Travel Insurance

Trampolining Travel Insurance

Trampolining Travel Insurance

Trampolining is an Olympic sport, but it’s also a fun recreational activity that travelers look forward to on holiday. In trampolining, participants perform acrobatics in mid-air, taking care to land safely on the trampoline. Make sure you follow all the safety rules, and go a step beyond caution by purchasing trampolining travel insurance to protect yourself against any unexpected accidents or injuries.

Travel Insurance for Trampolining

A basic insurance plan is not guaranteed to cover injuries sustained in a hazardous sport like trampolining. So, you need a trampolining insurance plan before you get on the trampoline in a foreign country. Be sure to read the fine print of your policy to ensure that trampoline accidents are covered. When you’re on a vacation, your trampolining should be enjoyable for both the body and the mind. Get that peace of mind with trampolining travel insurance.

The Basics of Trampolining

Trampolining is a stress reliever, good exercise that pumps adrenaline through your system. Many people vouch for trampolining as a regular workout activity. It’s an exhilarating experience you can enjoy in your backyard or even at the activity area of your hotel when you’re on vacation.

The trampoline itself is the only equipment you need for this activity. Its quality and durability matter, of course. The jumping mat is polypropylene or nylon material and makes for a sturdy but flexible landing ground.

The bounce comes from the springs that attach the jumping mat to the frame. The springs must be rust-free to ensure durability. The frame is made of galvanized steel and should be strong enough to hold the jumpers’ weight. A solid trampoline is the most important element of a good trampolining experience.

Understanding the risks of trampolining will prepare you to practice extra caution when you’re jumping in a foreign country. Even with all the safety measures, you can’t rule out the possibility of a cramp, sprain, or something much worse. It’s no wonder that professional trampoline jumpers secure themselves with insurance designed for the sport. Travel insurance for trampolining won’t cover any injuries or accidents sustained during competition, but if you’re going to bounce around in a friend’s backyard while on vacation, you’re much better safe than sorry.

Over the years, trampolining has evolved into many variations. A favorite is the TrampWall, a wall along the edge of the trampoline against which jumpers can do tricks in mid-air. Another popular one is SlamBall, which is basketball but with trampolines.

You can find a dozen ways to entertain yourself with a trampoline while on vacation. The activity is thrilling, but it comes with the potential for minor or severe injuries. Your hazardous sports travel insurance plan will give you rock-solid coverage for any medical aid you may need in a foreign country.

Risks of Trampolining

An injury in a foreign country means hefty medical bills. You can’t control 100% of the risk in trampolining. So, it would be a wise choice to depend on extreme sports travel insurance to soften the financial blow of an injury.

Here are the key risks of trampolining:

  1. Your risks heighten when you’re in close proximity to other participants. Participants can collide and injure themselves and others.
  2. Flips are among the most common tricks done on a trampoline. A flip gone wrong results in hitting the jumping mat face first. Trampoline participants have sustained nasal and neck fractures in many such instances.
  3. Another possible risk is falling off the trampoline or hitting the frame. Fractures to the forearm, elbow, collar bone, and spine are possible injuries. Records show wrist and ankle fractures are also fairly common.
  4. You’re susceptible to soft tissue and muscle strains. The most severely affected body parts in a trampoline accident are the lower limbs. Leg injuries can be critical without proper medical care.
  5. Trampolining is popular among kids of all ages. Most trampoline accident victims are between the ages of 7 and 20. Younger children's bones are fragile and more susceptible to damage on sudden impact.

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